Please feel free to contact us via email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Club Address
Glanford Boat Club, Coal Dyke End, Island Carr Road, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, DN20 8PD
Tel No 01652 653 412 ans phone 24hrs
Direct contacts
Please type in the email address as shown in your mail box to ensure the email is received by the correct person.
President - Mick Knowling
Vice Commodore -
Rear Commodore /Land & Buildings - Dave Hammond
Treasurer - John Aldersley 07971 805715
Hon Secretary - All Committee
Berthing Master - All Committee
Membership Secretary - Sue Nicholson
Social Gwyn Elliot 07472 685564
Captain Kev Hodson
Mate Brian Precious
Fire Officer Andrew Kirk 07543371093